Oscar Blesson, the humble beast

Oscar Blesson 2023

Oscar Blesson drew inspiration from his African heritage when he designed a signet ring with us – L’humble Bête. This is the only place you can get it.

Read our short interview with Blesson down below.

Oscar Blesson

Who is Oscar Blesson?
I'm an artist, free spirit, student of life and the human experience. I make music for therapeutic reasons and to keep track of my state of mind. Often some people relate to the stories I tell as well which is beautiful!

What made you decide to create with us?
Seal approached with an offer I couldn't refuse! The vision was already there, so I didn't even think twice about it.

What does this design mean to you?
The elephant, contrary to popular belief, is the actual king of the jungle, not the lion. It takes 6 lions to kill an elephant! I've always felt like a humble beast + my country of origin is Ivory Coast, that's where the elephant comes in.

What’s the value of jewelry to you?
Without jewelry I honestly feel a little naked.

Do you remember your first jewelry piece?
No, but I do remember my third one. It was an ankh, an earpiece I used in my early 20's.

Do you know how many pieces you own?
Not sure, maybe 6? It consists mostly of rings and some earrings.

How often do you wear jewelry?
Everyday. My shit real, I can shower in it. haaaaaaaaan *french montana ad-lib*

Gold or silver?

Who inspires you the most at this moment?
All my friends and my mum. They are all people striving for both success and happiness. It's not always about financial gain, but more so self developing and becoming the best version of oneself.

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Photo shot by Magnus Gulliksen