Lucas Veloz x Seal

Lucas Veloz x Seal

Lucas Veloz is an artist from Juiz de Fora, Brazil. Starting March 2013 he has amassed a big following for his skull inspired art, where he draws a skull a day, everyday!

We teamed up with him and designed a new silver ring together. Here it is!

Lucas Veloz x Seal skulls silver ring

It's available to order now. Own the ring.

I wanted to get to know Lucas better, so we did a short interview.

Who is Lucas Veloz?
I'm a Designer and illustrator for 13 years, and I draw a skull a day since 2013. During this journey I ventured into different techniques and media, like sculpture, painting, and also finding myself in tattooing.

What made you decide to create with me?
The possibility of exploring a new support for my art and the quality of the pieces you guys made.

What does this design mean to you?
I think this one is a representation of my style in illustration and also a challenge to try to make a piece that fits in the smaller size of the ring and still be bold.

What is the value of jewelry to you?
The value of a jewel, for me, is primarily in creativity, making and handling, transforming material into personality.

Why do you wear jewellery?
Jewels are a possibility of individual expression, they reinforce individuality.

Do you remember your first piece of jewelry?
I don't remember my first jewelry... hahaha probably a little chain.

Do you know how many pieces you own?
In fact, I own a few pieces, but they are pieces that are of great importance to me. Mostly watches and rings.

How often do you wear jewelry?
Watches used in everyday life; rings, on more social occasions.

Gold or silver?
I prefer silver.

Who inspires you the most at this moment?
A lot of artists, some of them I had the privilege to collaborate with! @noiaillustration, @beatttoledo, @godmachine, @tenhun, @dentistpdx, @rxskulls, @filipemesquita, to name a few!

Photo by Magnus Gulliksen

Follow Lucas Veloz's journey